Chemical peeling is the exfoliation of superficial skin layers and stimulation of healthy skin production by using various substances composed of alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol acid. Which preparation to use is among others determined by the desired depth of peeling.
There are different kinds of chemical peelings: very superficial, superficial, medium and deep chemical peeling.
This treatment is extraordinary in restoring the brightness of your skin. It is used to eliminate fine lines, but also very deep wrinkles (phenol acid). The skin becomes smooth, evenly coloured, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, patches are removed, sun-damaged skin is regenerated, pores, seborrhaeic keratosis, wound scars, striae are reduced, fat balance is restored, grade 1 acne of comedonal type a.o. are treated.
Imperativ is continued use of day creams with high SPF (min. 30) and proper skin care. Chemical peeling is usually performed in 4 to 8 sessions, at intervals of 2-4 weeks.
During the procedure slight sensations of burning and pricking can appear, which last for 5-10 minutes. It may cause redness and slight skin exfoliation, lasting 1 to 5 days. After deeper peeling oedema, skin tightness and brown upper skin layer are possible. This layer will exfoliate in 7-10 days.
Open wounds, herpes infection, warts, rosacea, eczema, skin cancer, use of Roaccutane capsules (must be stopped 6 months before treatment), uncontrolled diabetes, vascular lesions (hemangioma, teleangiectasis, couperose).
Two to three days before treatment do not do epilation, depilation, cream peeling!