Microdermoabrasion is a highly controlled skin exfoliation, which abrases the dehydrated skin layer and the layer closing up the pores, enabling the skin to take in nourishing matter (a whole range of high-quality products is available, including masks on base of growth factors).
This treatment eliminates fine facial lines, the skin becomes smooth and evenly coloured, acne scars, patches, hyper-pigmentation, pores are reduced, sun-damaged skin is regenerated.
This treatment is repeated every 1 to 4 weeks. Depending on the problem, 4 to 10 sessions may be performed and after that one treatment every 2-3 months.
Use high SPF creams, even in winter.

Microdermoabrasion – MKM practice
Open wounds, herpes infection, warts, rosacea, eczema, skin cancer, use of Roaccutane capsules (must be stopped 6 months before treatment), uncontrolled diabetes, vascular lesions (hemangioma, teleangiectasis).
2-3 days before treatment do not perform epilation, depilation, cream peeling.
If you use Vitamin A products, some authors say you have to interrupt the intake at least 2 months before microdermoabrasion, while another group of authors combines the intake of vitamin A and dermoabrasion, in order to accelerate the exfoliation of the skin.